Aaron and his Smile |
Today I watched two young men come in the store and they were smiling and chatted with me, and it struck cords in my heart. I really can't wait for my oldest son Aaron to become a man. Not that I want to rush time but I want him to be confident and assured of who he is. Be content in his own skin. Right now 13 is awkward. Hormones raging, oh and the issues with acne. Actually the horrors of acne. I realized that there will be a period of time with no pictures of him, at least from the front. I lay awake at night worrying, wondering, crying. Wishing with all my might I might be able to help him, more than I already have. Wishing I could protect him from the stares and the comments. I know people are curious but they still are not nice. "It will build character", people say, "You try it for a day and see how much character you have", I say. I hope that I didn't screw this one up. Hope that he has the tools he needs to be a strong man. He has many roads to travel and it hasn't always been easy nor will it be but with each passing day, "It builds character."